A Painful incident occurred that broke the hearts of many.
Although the General Overseer assured us that all things are under control and that they are at peace, but this incident is an awe.
The cause of this fire break out could be traced electrically , although the full cause is not yet said.
Someone blogged in comments that;
In preparation for the Mercy Conference 2024 "The Resurrection" at the Household of David, the auditorium got burnt this morning after the whole auditorium was fully set for the program.
A lot of equipments got burnt due to a spark from the roof that led to the fire outbreak.
Pastor Sola Osunmakinde shared full details on how the fire started and also said the program will still be held regardless of the fire outbreak.
The truth is that God is not at loss and we will surely bounce back.
Meanwhile... Prepare for MERCY CONFERENCE
Blogged by: Peculiar Emmanuel (Kindly follow for more updates)
#Peqtheblogger #Fireclanblog