Love, Light and Life

... more than a devotional



In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, Colossians‬ ‭2:11‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Did you know that in Christ you were circumcised? This circumcision is not like the natural one, done with human hands on the human body. This circumcision however, also has to do with the pulling away of a skin type to reveal the true substance which should remain. When you came into Christ Jesus you were recreated as a new person, a new kind of being in Christ. 

When this happened the old nature of sin which you were born with from your natural parents was torn away from you and you were left only as the new Man in Christ Jesus. This was a spiritual exercise which was carried out by Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit in rebirthing you into Christ. Now you are born again, you have a new life, a new mind, a new nature, you are the kind of person who Jesus is right now.

 For you to grow to actually understand and live as the kind of person you now are, you simply have to renew your mind with the word of God. The word of God will reveal to you the glory of God which is in you. The word of God will bring forth the life that God has put inside of you. You will not know that life unless you renew your mind by the word, unless you study the word and take it in as your primary meal.

 This new life which is available to you, is in fact the only life within you, and it's the only life which you must live. Choose to walk as a child of God, as one who has been reborn and recreated in Christ Jesus. The old nature of sin has been torn away by the spirit of God who has been poured out into your heart, now it's time to walk in the newness of life through the power of the word of God. Glory to God in Jesus name amen. 

Affirmation I am a New creation in Christ Jesus. I'm not bound to sin or to the guilt of it. I'm the kind of being who is not condemned, and who walks according to the Spirit and not according to the flesh. I live for Christ every day in Jesus name amen.

Further Reading: Romans 6:6, Romans 6:10-11

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