Love, Light and Life

... more than a devotional

Friday, 26th May, 2023


I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.

1 Timothy 2:1 NLT

The scriptures make us understand that one of the major duties of a priest is to intercede for people, especially those in the scope of his priesthood, or those who will be added. Our Lord Jesus is our perfect example of a priest to God. 

But because Jesus lives forever, His priesthood lasts forever. Therefore He is able, once and forever, to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf. (Hebrews 7:24‭-‬25 NLT). You see, because He is a priest forever, He lives forever to intercede with God on behalf of those who come to God through Him.

This is very important because we ourselves have also been made priests unto God, according to the priesthood of Christ. (Revelation 1:6). This means we also have to exercise our priestly duties before God. And one of them is intercession. Just as apostle Paul instructed Timothy to intercede for all people (1 Timothy 1:18),

We also are instructed by the Spirit to have a lifestyle of interceding for people. This is God's word to us, because the scripture was written for our benefit. Therefore, choose to cultivate in yourself this lifestyle of intercession, praying for all people as the scripture directs. You're blessed.

Prayer: Dear Father, I thank you for selecting me to be a priest before you, according to the priesthood of Christ Jesus my Lord. I pray for all people everywhere, that the word of God flourishes in their lives, that they receive Christ, and bear fruits of righteousness to the glory of your name. In Jesus mighty name. Amen

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