Years ago, Troy won every battles against her until one day they thought the enemy was generous.
The enemy presented them with a symbol of their strength, a wooden horse.
Against all advice they took the gift into their fortified wall that had given them victories for more than 100yrs.
The enemy hid their best soldiers inside the giant horse gift.
Troy spent that day celebrating with the token from the Greek.
They drank wine while they merry, soon they all retired to rest from partying.
The enemies in the wooden horse came out and opened the gate for the enemies outside the city gates.
That night Troy fell to the hand of the enemy led by Achilles, their arch-enemy.
The whole city was destroyed.
This reminds me of Matt 16:6 and Galatian 5:9.
Many years earlier, Song of Solomon 2:15 said the same.
A gift from satan is a trap, don't take it.
Let me round up with James 4:4, the Lord is faithful
Satan can never repent, if he stops fighting you, know this little truth, it's a comeback strategy.
He doesn't give up on anyone.
You're not a victim.
Greetings from Bourdilon today.
A.T Joel