I was reading the story of Noah and the flood this evening when the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to something in that story.
Gen.7.7 - Noah and his wife and sons and their wives boarded the ship to escape the flood. [MSB]
Gen.7.8 - Clean and unclean animals, birds, and all the crawling creatures.
Noah, and his wife and sons and their wives boarded the ship with clean, and unclean animals, birds and all the crawling creatures.
The Holy Spirit asked me.
"Do you think it is a coincidence that the Bible mentioned specifically birds and all the crawling creatures together?"
I didn't get the point clearly at first until he explained further.
He said, "Birds are flying creatures, and that means they will come flying and they have speed as an advantage, while there are crawling creatures like the Snail for instance, the snail will come crawling and is likely to arrive much more later because of how slow it is. "
"If the bird and the snail are to set out for Noah's ark, the bird will arrive at the ark before the snail."
" It was specifically written in the Bible that the birds and the crawling creatures boarded the ship to let you know that although the birds arrived first before the crawling creatures, the crawling creatures eventually entered the ark too. I didn't shut the door until the crawling creatures were inside too"
Wow! Was all i could say after that and the Holy Spirit told me.
"Many times some people get upset when they see others flying towards the ark, the ark here could be different things that people desire and need. "
"Some people get jealous when they see how slow they are moving towards the ark compared to others, they see others flying like the Bird to the ark, but they are crawling, their own process seems to be more slow and they wish they could fly to the ark or get there more faster."
"But i want them to understand that although others are flying towards the ark and some are crawling, eventually both the flying and crawling creatures entered the ark, i won't shut the door until they are all inside."
I know this is a word for someone, i know you look around you and it seems like everyone is flying towards their goals while you are crawling towards yours, this is an assurance from the word of God to you, it doesn't matter who fly or got into the ark before you.
Don't give up, keep coming towards the ark.
I know it might be painfully slow and you wish you could fly too, but trust the process and know this.
Photo Credit: Pastor Priscilla Shirer