When people see a home where there is mutual respect, honour and overflowing peace, they'll say his wife is controlling him

When people see a home where there is mutual respect, honour and overflowing peace, they'll say his wife is controlling him. So who should be controlling him? A side chick?

This is why many will never experience real joy and peace in their marriage, because they believe that something must go wrong for things to go right.

Please hear me with your heart;

Nothing must fail in your home for other things to work. 

You don't have to fight always to build a better understanding. 

You don't have to suspect anyone of cheating before trust can be built. 

Your husband doesn't have to be commanding and rigid before you eat the bread of honour and respect in your home. 

A wife does not have to be stubborn to get the respect of her husband. 

This is how many people have become the architects of their own marital problems.

Your husband is loving you too much - you suspect he is cheating with some lady outside. 

He doesn't respond to your bad mouthing and insolence - he is a weak man. 

She doesn't ask you for money - she must be getting it from another man. 

Can you just relax and enjoy the peace and happiness in your home without thinking of sorrow? 

Must there be sorrow?




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