“I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are and that he may console and cheer and encourage and strengthen your hearts.” Ephesians 6:22 AMPC
As Christians it's important that we be intentional about the effect we have on people. There are certain people who just tend to have a negative effect on others around them. Like that have an energy draining aura.
Such people have the tendency to offend the people around them, getting them sad, angry, discouraged, scared etc. They just have a zero to negative effect on folks in their space. Not good at all.
We must be intentional about the effect we have on people. Why? Because in every area of our life we are to represent Christ. Simple. We carry the Holy Spirit, and He should influence our whole lives, including our relationship with others.
Our impact on people around us should be positive. Give them a reason to be glad you're around. Comfort, encourage, correct, advice, gladden, help, show kindness. Just let the Holy Spirit relate with them through you in the ways you can. You're blessed. TCF