MY +1 STORY (Part 2)
..The Thief
Those days I was known for theft amongst many other things.
I could literally take what was yours in your very before and you won't even recognize a bit of a change.
I was sent to a boarding school (Father Cloonan memorial secondary school, Emekuku) from my Jss2 period.
One time i got 88 position out of 110 students, I felt it was too poor and my parents will be disappointed so I took a pen and joined the two "8" into one ..making it 8th Position.
I was ready with all my heart for the lies, seeing that my dad was coming that day to pick me home because of dismissal for that term.
A fellow student asked me my position, I told him 8th, he said he got 8th also and it wasn't possible to have same position during that time..
I argued and ignorantly brought out my result to prove to him.
The guy took the result from me and immediately ran to the principal office reporting the cancellation.
..Then My Dad!
Yes My Dad. A disciplinarian .. I was expected to be killed.
He came with one of my uncle (Nna Y) from the town..The principal called them to the office and exposed me bluntly telling him that I've been stealing peoples good cloth and now I want to steal peoples good grade.
Normally in a situation like this, he will not talk till we get home and then I'll be highly flogged till I'm back to my morals.. The worst part will be if my mum got to know about it_Ewee! _ I better not speak about it.
My uncle always accepted that my dad had the Best kids, he always told my dad how he admires our good behaviour and here he is with a son of the highly esteemed who just erred .
"The time he was to give to he academics he used it in stealing, be Careful lest this boy becomes a thief"
I could remember this words by my principal.
I remember my mum will always tell me
" The devil cannot win you over me, one person has to die in this battle and its obviously not me ".
I entered the car and we drove off to Rivers state, on the way my dad will ask me if I was hungry_ the guilt won't let me speak.
He will stop and buy one or two things for me to eat (ice cream, gala etc)..hmm!
I concluded in my heart that the man just want me to be healthy enough to receive strokes at home.
..At Home; (something hooge)
We got home and it was like a reception, the house prepared so well for my return because I had my birthday few months back.
They welcomed me like a Child who got missing for years.
It was all tears for me, mummy said to me " Odiche na boys_ I prepared your favourite soup we need to celebrate your result "
But the young boy had a really bad grade this time.
They always expected "something hooge" from me because of how they trusted but what my result was saying was "Sapa, nice one"
After eating and resting I was preparing for the Flogging outreach which was to be executed on my back.. The matters got worse when I heard "Oya! all of you people should bring your results to the parlour"
It was here that i knew that a man can loose weight In two seconds.
I brought my result and I saw my Dad and mum sitting elegantly and smiling , I wondered why my Dad was smiling too.
They've looked at other results and were happy, it got to my turn and I was crying already.
My mum opened the result and asked "Why are you crying? You got 8th out of so many students"
At that point I thought twice "Did my dad tell her? Why is he just looking at me and smiling?"
Then he finally spoke
He said "He is crying because he didn't perform as he expected, Emma! Next time, don't make mistakes, don't try to please us, study and be serious for the future"
My mum not knowing the depth of that statement hugged me and petted me thinking it was just tears.
The way she hugged me, I was directly looking at my dad who looked like he has passed a message to me happily.
They will wonder why I was crying maybe, but I knew that this could only be love and I really needed to change.

...What did I do to deserve this?
Did you see how he advised me with such correction..
Things I expected, it was the reverse I got.
He knew I was tensed, he knew I was going to do something harsh to myself after that scenario if it went the way I envisioned it.
Later on I got to see that the reason why I edited the result was to please my parents after not performing well even though I went the wrong way.
After the correction I gave myself to study that I was so zealous and my subsequent results were awesome.
This is what Jesus does, after you fall you feel all is down but God is simply telling you Rise up from that dump..
The problem is not that the dog went back to its vomit, the problem is that the dog went back AGAIN to its vomit.
Like the prodigal son, who came back..
Jesus is not angry at you for falling on the Ground.
He is only disappointed when you remain on the ground.
Afterall a child learning how to walk, will stagger and fall, the parents are encouraged and not angry that he stained his cloth and then he stands up again.. By all means he must walk!.
And to you reading this, Jesus has not given up on you, dont give up on yourself.
Today I celebrate not just my Birthday
But I celebrate the People God used in building me
I celebrate Gods grace upon my life
I celebrate my Biological Parents who never stooped praying.
I celebrate my mentors and priests.
I celebrate the land [Absu] which God sent me to for his work
I celebrate the Vision God has given to me [Fire Clan Network] and her management.
This place I am now, I won't forget you and the place I'll be tomorrow I still won't forget you.
God is still helping us
God is still fixing us
I love you all.
©Peq 27/21 [Peculiar Emmanuel]
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You are such a huge blessing to many, your daily post from frieclan has helped many which I am among! Happy birthday Man of God!