to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to all men. Titus 3:2
The attitude of Christ is the attitude of love, and an expression of love is gentleness. Some people are very easily provoked. It as though they are always waiting for an opportunity to explode.
Some others may not explode outwardly, but within them, a little thing highly irritates them, and they develop an attitude. This is unhealthy, ungodly, and can even be inspired by demons. That is not the life of a Christian. As a Christian, you must choose to have a gentle spirit.
Have a gentle attitude towards everyone. Many Christians go on saying “if you try me, I will show you my true colour.” But they forget that their true colour is Christ! Glory to Jesus. Don’t forget who your true colour is. Always show people that you’ve been recreated in Christ, by the way you live.
Be filled with the love, the peace, and the joy of the Lord. Refuse to be easily irritated or provoked. Choose to be highly forgiving. Choose to love endlessly. Always remember, you have a gentle spirit so express a gentle attitude. Express it! You’re blessed. TCF.