Don't Tell People To Stop Going To Herbalists And Native Doctors, If You Can Not Give Them Superior Alternative.
-Apostle Joshua Selman
If the people do not see the power of God, they will soon forget about God. The power of God reminds people that He's alive. Miracles create conviction in the heart of those who witness it and those who benefit from it. It let's people know that He's still seated on the throne. We live in a world where they are many alternatives. There are about four thousand registered religion and still counting.
Don't tell people to stop going to herbalists and native doctors, if you can not give them superior alternative.
Can I be honest with you, people will continue to go to the devil until we present an alternative that is consistent, superior and result producing. The desperation of human needs will not allow them to forebear with nonsense. Once they go through pains beyond the threshold, they will source for alternatives and unashamedly bow to those alternatives.