

“For the sense and reason of the flesh is death, but the mind-set controlled by the Spirit finds life and peace.” Romans‬ ‭8:6‬ ‭TPT‬‬

To live carnally is not only to be actively living in sin, no. It's to live life being led primarily by your human senses and worldly wisdom. Sadly this is how many persons live, even some Christians. They may not be living in sin, but they aren't being consistently led by the Holy Spirit.

Some Christians don't even really know what it really means to be led by the Spirit of God, yet they are sons of God. They just wake up, thank God for life if they remember, and zoom off, then do the entire day relying on human senses and human wisdom. This is not how to approach life.

If you continue this way, you'd end up having a very frustrating life, because life isn't just natural. Learn to be spiritually minded. To involve Christ in every single area of your life down to the seemingly less important parts. Learn to pray daily, actively and fervently. Don't just live as a natural man.

Take advantage of the Supernatural life given to you. You could achieve a whole lot more when you live by the Spirit. More also, you can't be outside of God's will when you live by the Spirit. You can't be a victim of darkness. The Holy Spirit has come to you. Go life with Him. You're blessed. TCF 

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