– Dr. Paul Enenche at International Gospel Ministers Conference 2021 Day 1.
Today been the last communion service for the month of July which is also our month of Prayer, we will wrap up our teachings on Prayer.
PRAYER POWER FACTOR: That is understanding the forces that make for power in prayer.
Prayer is designed for the release of power from heaven to earth. (Matthew 6:9-10)
Prayer is designed to release the power of divinity into humanity. Tremendous power is available at the place of prayer but this power is available to people at various degrees. We do not command the same level of power from the place of prayer. You just heard the story of the man who was mad, and on my way from the office one touch on his forehead was enough to stop his insanity.
What can we do to have power in the place of prayer?
We do not have the same power in the place of prayer because we do not apply the same factors in the place of prayer.
Various Factors That Facilitate Power in Prayer
1. Fervency in the Spirit (James 5:16-17, Romans 12:11).
a. Prayer fervency determines prayer potency. The potency of prayer is determined by the force behind the prayer. Just like a bullet is useless when it is thrown with the hand but when it is pushed by very intense fire power of an automated rifle, it has unbelievable impact.
b. Prayer fervency determines prayer clearance. Your prayer fervency determines the clearance you get in the realm of the Spirit.
2. Praying without Ceasing (Ephesians 6:18, 2 Thessalonians 5:17)
That is praying endlessly and it is developed by the attitude of continual desire for God, continual passion for the will of God. We pray in words and also pray in thoughts. That which occupies your mind determines the force of your prayer.
a. Praying without ceasing is wearing out resistance.
b. Praying without ceasing is winning without ceasing.
3. Praying with Vision (Habakkuk 2:1, Ephesians 3:20, Isaiah 65:24-24)
That is you are not just praying for God to do something for you, you are seeing the results of how it happens. You are not in doubt of exactly what you are talking about because you can see it clearly. That is creative praying.
a. Praying with vision is communicating in the language of the Spirit. Paul Yonggi Cho said “Vision and Dreams are the language of the Spirit”.
b. Praying with Vision is creating the future in the present. If you can see it and hear it before you experience it, no devil can stop you from having it.
When you are praying next, pray and see what you are praying about. Let it be real in your mind and it will be real in your life. What does not cross your mind cannot cross your life.
If you don’t know how to see it, locate scripture and paint the picture in your mind. That is the purpose of scripture, Scriptures show you the picture you can use in order to venture and when you venture you capture.
Sometimes before I remove a man’s crutches, I see him walking without it first. See it very clearly and when you see it clearly, once you decree you create it.
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