One day, a very good hearted man met a young boy who was struggling with the phone in his hands. Looking at how much a stress the phone must have been to the young boy, the man decided to offer him a new one which he did.
Few days later, as they both walked down the street with the brand new phone in the boy's hand, the young boy who was walking beside the older man looked back and bursted into an uncontrollable tears.
The man not knowing what had suddenly come over his new friend walked up to him and calmly he asked "What is wrong with you boy?"
"I don't think I can keep up with this new phone" shouted the young boy.
"I think the old one is much more better" he sulked.
Looked in surprise "The old phone gives you a whole lot of troubles"
"I know but what about my old friends?" he paused "Who would be taking me to the night clubs?"
"Calm down dear. You don't need them anymore as long as you got this new one. I believe you understand" he said looking into his eyes to convince him.
"Never! everything is gone. Friends that usually get me connected to pleasures I can't connect with this new phone. It is so bad this new phone has almost took everything away from me" he said as he stretched the phone towards the man.
"Don't do this. That old phone might look so pleasing to you but the end is destruction. Besides, do you like the kind of tough times that old bad phone usually make you go through?"
"I don't know but I felt the old phone is better. It is more attractive, more bigger and have more capacity. I think I know where I dropped it and I believe no one can operate it except myself. Please I am sorry. Take this dull moment giving phone and let me be" he said angrily as he dropped the phone on the ground and walked away.
"There is much fun than you can imagine from this new phone. If only you can dig deeper. That old phone can't give you an expected end, this can. Moreover, only this new phone can genuinely connect you to men and things that matters."
"This is the kind I want." echoed the boy
Many are like the young boy who was offered new phone but refuses to completely accept it due to the past thrills.
That old phone represent the old life.
The new phone represent the new life.
The man who offered the phone represent Jesus Christ.
Many have taken up the new life but yet their hearts are still drawn to the old life.
The past pleasure of fornication their hearts still pant for.
The old pleasure of lieing and cheating is still having a dwelling place within their hearts.
The relationship where they beat and slap them at any slightest mistake become what they want to take as a lifetime bargain.
They are so bothered about what the old life has offered them that they couldn't see what the new life is bringing them.
They prefer to be slave to Baal who couldn't deliver them than to do away with Baal and follow the God who would totally deliver them.
Have you given your life to Jesus? If Yes, why then is that old lifestyle still finding expression in you?
What is the evidence of the new creature you have become?
To the best of my knowledge, the new life means completely denying oneself as you accept the new kind of life that is being offered to you by the man (Jesus).
2 Corinthians 5:17 says "If anyman be in Christ, he is a new creature...." Did transformation really took place in your life?
Have you not threw away this new life just because of what you thought it couldn't offer you?
If there would be a real transformation, things must change.
You wouldn't need that old phone because it counteracts the new kind of life the new one would be offering you.
Yes! Your body, eyes and in short body structure remains the same but the Spirit man must take up a new kind of life and then from there, it reflects on the outside.
If that thing that causes conflict between the life of Christ and the other life still lingers, sit down and align yourself with him now.
If you are yet to accept the life he is offering you, do that now.
Remember, old things must not linger.
Recall what the boy said "No one can operate it except me" Yes! the decision is in your hands.
Salvation is free but there is a price to pay for it and the price is letting go off all that won't walk in line with the course of salvation in your life. Would you be bold enough to do that now as you shame the devil?
Note- It should'nt be all about "the kind I want to live" but "The kind I ought to live"
Faith Agi.