

Isaiah 50:4

“The Lord GOD has given Me

The tongue of the learned,

That I should know how to speak

A word in season to him who is weary.

He awakens Me morning by morning,

He awakens My ear

To hear as the learned.

Do you know your tongue is for blessing and helping people? Your mouth is not only for eating, praying and praising God. It's also for speaking comforting words to those who are despaired in life.

God expects you to learn to be a help and a pillar that people can depend on, because of the words of comfort you speak. Unfortunately, many people function in the direct opposite. Some people kill the morale of others, or pierce their hearts with the kind of unpleasant words that proceed from them.

God doesn't want us to be like this at all. Watch your words carefully before you speak them, and discern the effect it would have on your listener. If you hurt people with your words, then you aren't functioning for the kingdom.

So refuse to "just speak". Be a person whose words comfort the people around, to the glory of God. Even if you are correcting people, do it with the wisdom of God. So as to do your correction in love, because the effect of your words on people matter a lot. You're blessed. -TCF

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