A man that is not focus is liable to lost his direction and it is very worthy to note that in the camp of concentration, one is much able to hit the target.

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a situation and there was kind of no way out?

Oh yes! this is not unusual of we human beings. There are sometimes which things seems to keep flowing and at other times things seems to get stuck, stiff and unable to move. However, is there no solution to getting out of those things? Of course there is only one solution and that solution demands that one use the right key to open the door rather than trying out too many keys that would never work out.

There are actually few ways out to be able to hit that target and eventually get out of that stuck position and here is the ultimate one.

"Stay glued to the relevant things and discard the ones unnecessary"

As simple as the statement above may sound, this is where most of us find it hard to focus. Where? Knowing that which are relevant and those that are not.

One of the Schisms the enemies used to defeat their opponents is to make them lose focus. And once a focus is lost, right thinking is out of it. When right thinking is not in place, then come actions that can birth defeat.

Life is a battlefield and the only way one can be victorious is to focus on that which is needed to be focus on.

"What have I been focusing on that need not to be focused on?" someone might ask.

Well, the truth remains that no one can serve two masters at a time. It is either one become the master or non become the master.

If all your focus is on your problems rather than "How" to solve them then you are in no less magnifying them. However, if your focus is on how to solve them, then you are right on the best track on concentrating on the relevant things.

Perhaps you have lose focus on certain area of your life and you have been thinking on how to concentrate back. What should you do?


What do I mean by determine action?

A determined action comes from you being intentional about the concentration process.

It demands that you let go off your worries of the past, steal not from the problems of tomorrow and fully focus on that which is at hand.

One step at a time, then your concentration capacity increases.

Out of silence is born concentration, and from that comes learning. You can always choose to perceive things differently. You can focus on what’s wrong in your life, or you can focus on what’s right.

Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward to find the answer. 


Another is the point of sincerity to oneself. As it is possible to deceive others so also  one can deceive himself or herself.

The word says in the book of James that we should be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving ourselves.

This also applies to our lives. It has become a routine to make promises that we never keep. This, can be liken to we deceiving ourselves.

The truth is that a something worthwhile happens when we start keeping promises to ourselves. We become unstoppable. Notice that people who are wrapped up in themselves make small packages. 

Don’t let someone who has done nothing tell you how to do anything. 

Concentration is the key to strength. Once you can hack the concentration thing, you stop feeling defeated.

The Eagle is a perfect example to emulate in being a concentrated personified.

When you focus on what you wants, every other thing naturally become displaced.

Focus on troubles, you will sure get more troubles.

Focus on God, you will surely get more of him.

Focus on purpose, you will achieve purpose.

We can only get what we focus on.

Concentration is not just a key but a virtue worthy to take along in this Journey.

You take the ride?

Congratulations! for engaging.

©️ Faith Agi.

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