First, I say to Jesus Christ, “I thank you that you have answered
me and have become my salvation. . . . I have looked upon you
in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory. Because your
steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you” (Psalm
118:21; 63:2-3).
Second, I say to Noël and Talitha, thank you for loving me as I
disappeared to my study for the long days of writing. Thank you for
living the gospel with me.
Third, to my prayer support team, thank you for your daily
intercession and for doing battle on my behalf against Satan and sin
and sickness and sabotage. In his mercy God answered.
Fourth, to the staff and elders of Bethlehem Baptist Church,
thank you for the writing leave and for the sacrifices you make for
the vision of spreading a passion for the supremacy of God in all
things, especially the gospel.
Fifth, to Justin Taylor and Carol Steinbach at Desiring God,
thank you for theological sharpening, editing acumen, and cheerful
drudgery (the indexes), in addition to fruitful partnership in exalting the truth that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.
Finally, to Jonathan Edwards and John Owen whose vision of
the glories of Christ has been for my soul a beam of spiritual light
and life, thank you.