Part of the things that God did to me in his mercy to secure my destiny, was that He gave me the privilege to hear his voice. When I began to hear the voice of God, I knew that I could no longer be deceived and I am a product of the voice of God. There are many things I started out doing that people felt I was mad, a few years later, people felt I was the wisest man on earth. But you see it was not about me, it was about the voice of God.
I found out that the devil can fight everything, but he never wins when he fights against that which was established by the voice of God. he doesn't win, every fight he fights against that which God has said, would only promote that which God is doing. I've lived long as a Christian to know this.
Christianity was dark when I was a christian when I was like 14 years old, 15, I was looking for mentors, people that knew God, we didn't find. You guys are privileged, we didn't find, there was no body around that knew the scripture, everybody was preaching Prosperity meanwhile I wanted to know God.
And there were no Pastors available to teach us about the ways of God. So I began to study the bible and the Holy Spirit began to speak to me that's how this journey began. Oh, you hear me today, you hear me preach today and people say nobody preaches like that, we've never heard this before. Yes, it came out of my own personal dealings with God, It's original. I didn't pick it up from somewhere, I had to study the Bible myself, I had to know God myself. It's more easier for you, but what God gave me to ascertain to my success in this navigation, was a hearing ear and this impartation of that spiritual grace, is gonna come upon some of you (including you reading this), Amen!