

2 Peter 1:2

Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, kjv

You see Apostle Peter writing to the Saints shows us a very important secret. Grace and peace can be multiplied. Not just increased by addition, but can be exponentially multiplied in us! And he tells us just how. Not through a "double anointing", not even through prayer and fasting, but through the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ.

Through the knowledge of Truth from God's Word, grace and peace is multiplied. This is glorious and beautifull. You see, all that we'll need to steer our lives in the path of life and godliness has been bestowed on us already (vs3). But we need to know these things. We need to know these blessings for us to function in them.

 As we discover our truths, and the truths about God as contained in the Word, as we let the Holy Spirit reveal more about God to us, we are opened up to our limitless possibilities in Christ. As we know more of what Christ has done for us, we realise we have more abilities, and thus there is a multiplication of grace within us to do more. And our peace is multiplied because we are assured that the Word is true. 

The reason many people don't do much in Christ is simply because they don't know that they can! They are ignorant, lacking knowledge, thus they are destroyed (Hosea 4:6). But when one grows in knowledge, grace abounds, and peace multiplies. As you know the glory of God, you experience the glory of God. Hallelujah! If you must get more grace, then seek to know God more deeply. Through communion with the Holy Spirit and the Word. You're blessed. -TCF

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