_FireClan Daily Devotional Guide_
God's name approved ✍️
*Reference* (Weapon of warfare)
*_FOR READING AND MEDITATION:* 1 Samuel 17:38-49
**Thought* : Do you know that the potency of a weapon of war can only be approved only when it is well tested by it user? Think about this.
1 Samuel 17:47 And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD's, and he will give you into our hands"
From the memory verse we can see that David has so much confident in his weapon of war that he wasn't even intimidated at all by Goliath fully packed weapons of battle, threat or stature.
He knows and believe in a greater weapon of walfare which he tagged as " *Approved* ".
He knows the battle is beyond the bows,spear, sword, shield or any form of ammunition that even when Saul tried to armed him with different weapons he refused bluntly and said " *For I have not proved them"* Vs 38-39
He went to *the brook* and choose *five smooth* stones to armed himself. Vs 40
Now, I want you to check on this.
1. Why must David go to the brook to get the stones?
2. Why did he chooses to take only five stones and not more than that? and lastly why were the stones smooth?
David could have possibly get some stones within the palace or around the community but due to the fact that he have the understanding of that which is needed for the battle he wouldn't mind going under the water to get them.
Secondly David knows the battle is not by outward packaging that has empty content. Hence he knows five stones are enough to do the job even though it was only one stone that later perform the piercing into Goliath body.
Lastly, David knows that if the stones are smooth they are liken to be shapened ones and this was why he goes to where he can find stones with such texture.
Where he can find stones that will not miss the target.
Just like David did in the bible passage we read. If we can trust in the name of the Lord as an weapon of walfare and if we can look beyond the problems, battles or challenges. He will rightfully handed unto us the solutions.
Don't put your trust on men for they can't fight that battle for you.
If you depend on your ability it will fail you.
If you think your degree, money or family can win those battles for you then you are deceiving yourself.
All you need is to stay connected to the right location just like david did by going to the brook,
get the right collection that you will be using for the battle just like david did by getting the stones and not just the collection but the quality of the collection just like david did by getting smooth stones.
The name of God still does wonders.
*His name protect* : It is a strong tower and if you hid in it you are forever save.
*Knees bow at his name:* At the mention of the name knees on earth, under the earth & above the earth bow.
Knees of failure will bow at his name.
Power of confusion are subjected to his name.
*By his name all battles are won:* Just like David become a Victor by trusting in the capability of God's name you can also begin to face those prevailing battles now using the name of the Lord.
God is not interested in packaging without content so the content of his name you carry is enough for the battle.
God is not interested in quantity but quality and this was one of the reasons why he practically reduced the host of army that were supposed to come against the midianites from tens of thousand to hundreds.
God's name is a recommendation because with it miracles, testimonies of healing, breakthrough & victory has been given to men that approve it.
If you don't approve it you can't use it effectively.
*Assignment* : Can someone who has not tested a gun before just walk to the battlefield to make use of it?
*Prayer point:* There is power in your name Lord do not allow me be an exemption to the potency of it.
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*Fireclan network @ 2020